Magalie Quinti
Ostéopathe DO Beausoleil

Magalie Quinti


osteopathe beausoleil monaco

What is tennis leg ?

Tennis leg is a condition that often affects tennis players, hence its name. However, this condition is also common in other sports such as running. It is a muscle tear in the calf that occurs suddenly.

What is tennis leg ?

Tennis leg is a detachment of the medial gastrocnemius muscle at the level of the aponeurosis, which connects the gastrocnemius muscles (formerly known as the twins) and the soleus muscle, forming the calf. It involves a separation between the medial gastrocnemius muscle and the soleus muscle, often resulting in the formation of a hematoma.

Focus on the Anatomy of the Triceps Surae
The triceps surae is commonly known as the calf. It consists of:

- The gastrocnemius muscles on the superficial layer

- The soleus muscle on the deep layer

These three muscles converge distally to form the Achilles tendon, which inserts at the heel.

Characteristic signs of tennis leg :

tennis leg
  • Sudden onset, often triggered by a rapid movement
  • Sharp, sometimes excruciating pain in the calf
  • Very localized pain, feeling like a stabbing or a ball
  • The sensation of a snapping in the calf
  • Difficulty or inability to put weight on the affected foot
  • Possible limping
  • The appearance of a hematoma or even swelling

An ultrasound can help assess the extent of the injury in the calf and rule out other conditions such as an Achilles tendon rupture.

What factors contribute to tennis leg ?

Whether in tennis or other sports, this condition can be favored by :

  • Age : over 40 years old
  • An unbalanced diet
  • Lack of effective or targeted warm-up
  • Overweight
  • Fatigue or overtraining
  • Poor training planning
  • The use of certain medications, such as antibiotics
  • A history of injury, such as Achilles tendinopathy
  • Unsuitable footwear
sport monaco

What to do in case of tennis leg ?

If you suffer from tennis leg or suspect you have it, the first thing to do is to immediately stop playing sports, even if you can still put your foot on the ground, as you may worsen the condition. If the pain has just appeared, it is important to confirm the diagnosis with an ultrasound.

Then, it will be important to rest your calf by offloading the affected leg, for example by elevating it. If you need to walk, do so on your tiptoes to avoid stretching the triceps surae.

At the time of the tennis leg occurrence, you can apply ice to the painful area, but do not leave the ice on for too long.

You can also compress the painful area with a compression bandage. Be careful to compress the area without cutting off blood circulation.

Make sure to consult your doctor so they can prescribe physical therapy sessions if necessary.

swim monaco

Regarding resuming sports :
It is important to rest for at least three weeks and to gradually resume sports activities based on the advice of your doctor and the therapists who are treating you. Be patient to avoid re-injuring yourself or worsening your current injury.

Less traumatic sports such as swimming or cycling can be resumed earlier, but always under medical advice and without pain.


What can osteopathy do for tennis leg ?

In the case of a recent tennis leg, osteopathy will not have a direct impact; the injury needs to heal first. However, if your osteopath is trained in taping, they can apply a tape or strap to help with the healing process.

Once you have recovered, it will be important to have an osteopathy session to address the consequences of your injury, such as limping. Osteopathy can help prevent recurrences by reducing possible compensations.

osteopath next to monaco

You can make an appointment with your osteopath in Beausoleil, near Monaco, directly online.

Magalie Quinti

Osteopath in Beausoleil

Near Monaco and Cap d'Ail

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