Magalie Quinti
Ostéopathe DO Beausoleil

What to do after an osteopathy session ?

Osteopathy is manual medicine that takes care of the patient as a whole, whatever the reason for consultation. The practitioner will take care to restore mobility to the various structures of the body which are in restriction.
The body will then do most of the work because it must readjust to the various changes made.
This healing work is produced during and after the session, it can last between two days to a week or even two depending on the people and the dysfunctions of each.
In the days following an osteopathy consultation, the body will function more, it will need a lot of energy and some organs and muscles will work more supported than usual.

Recommendations to follow after an osteopathy session

Rest the musculoskeletal system to avoid overworking the treated areas so that they can recover as quickly as possible :

  • Avoid playing sports for 48 to 72 hours or more if you do not have the energy. Exercising after a session can decrease or even cancel out the effects of the session.
  • Avoid carrying heavy loads or doing too restrictive activities such as moving for example
  • Avoid bad positions / habits of the type : crossing your legs, bending down in bending your legs, driving 4 hours without a break ... This advice is applicable throughout your life !

Allow the body to properly eliminate body waste that has accumulated in areas of restricted mobility :

  • Eat light to allow the liver and digestive system to eliminate all wastes as quickly as possible for faster recovery.


  • Stay hydrated to help the kidneys work better so that they can effectively filter waste products and eliminate them in urine.


  • Learning to breathe better is essential for proper functioning of the viscera. The diaphragm acts as a pump that acts on the digestive system. It is therefore very important to exercise the diaphragm properly when breathing. Stress can have an impact on the latter and therefore restrict the movement of the diaphragm. So limit stressors and take long, deep breaths several times a day.

It is really important to listen to yourself to allow a better harmony of our body. Following an osteopathy session, it is possible to be tired, stiff, to feel more pain than before the consultation, to have pain that appears far from the reason for the consultation. These changes can last anywhere from 24 hours to a week. For most people, it only lasts two days or the person immediately feels better.


You can always keep your osteopath informed two to three days after the consultation so that he can reassure you about the various pains that have appeared or that he redirects you according to the reason for consultation, the evolution of the pain and symptoms.

Magalie Quinti

Osteopath in Beausoleil

Near Monaco et Cap d'Ail

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