Pregnant : when to consult an osteopath specialize in pregnant women ?
Osteopathy for pregnant women is a specialization to be carried out in addition to studies of osteopathy just like the specialization for infants and in sport. Pregnant women often wonder when is the right time to consult an osteopath, Magalie Quinti answers you best.
The best times to consult a specialist osteopath for pregnant women
It is very difficult to navigate between what some people say and what you find on the internet. More and more gynecologists advise osteopathy but this is unfortunately not a generality.
You can consult your osteo for pregnant women at any time during your pregnancy without risk because your osteo will take all the necessary precautions depending on the progress of your pregnancy. She can also give you advice to relieve certain pain in your home, for example, or to breathe better.
Usually, pregnant women discover osteopathy because of pain that appears as a result of changes in the body during pregnancy.
The first trimester
Many osteopaths do not want to see women who are less than three months pregnant for consultation because of the high risk of miscarriage. Osteopathy cannot trigger miscarriages but given the risk during the first trimester, it would be unfortunate that a pregnant woman might think that it is her osteopath's fault if she miscarries soon after a pregnancy. osteopathy session.
For my part, I prefer to wait until the second trimester to do a standard assessment. It is obvious that if a pregnant woman in the first trimester presents pain, an osteopathic treatment will be necessary in order to relieve it. It is important to consult an osteopath specializing in perinatal care in order to take all possible precautions and use the appropriate techniques as the pregnancy progresses.

The second trimester

It is often from the second trimester that the typical pains of pregnant women set in. Depending on the pain, it may be necessary to do several osteopathy sessions. Appropriate advice will also be given in order to limit recurrences and allow good adaptation during the various thrusts of the mother's belly.
An osteopathic check-up can be done at this time to help the body adapt to the post changes that the pregnant woman will experience later on.
The third trimester
Some pains set in, others may have disappeared due to ligament laxity caused by hormones. Depending on the pain, an osteopathy session may be necessary. It is important to arrive at childbirth in the best form possible, as little strain as possible, and as much mobility as possible.
This is also the time for an osteopathic consultation to prepare for the birth.

Preparation for childbirth
If I only had one session to advise, this would be this one! Preparation for childbirth in osteopathy can be beneficial and therefore necessary in my opinion. It is important to check that there is no blockage in the structures that come into play in childbirth.
In postpartum

Following pregnancy and childbirth, your body must recover from these postural changes. Osteopathy can also help during this time. It is worth waiting 3 to 4 weeks after giving birth so that your body can recover and you have time to heal if you have had an episiotomy, tear, or caesarean section. It is obvious that if you have pain immediately after childbirth you can consult your osteoarthritis patient who will take care to relieve your pain while respecting certain precautions.
Osteopathy can also be a good complement in the rehabilitation of the perineum.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact your osteo in Beausoleil, near Cap d'Ail and Monaco.
Magalie Quinti
Osteopath Beausoleil
Specialized in perinatal care