Magalie Quinti
Ostéopathe DO Beausoleil

Highlighting the different osteopathic approaches

Osteopathy was founded in 1874 by Andrew Taylor Still. Other big names in osteopathy then contributed to its development. Indeed, different osteopathic approaches have emerged and various manipulative techniques have been created so that their transmissions are possible and correct.


The goal of osteopathy is to treat areas in restriction, in dysfunction in order to harmonize the overall pattern of the patient. It is therefore important to take care of the patient holistically.

The sensations of the osteopath on these areas will be a restriction of mobility, density, pain can also be felt in the patient.


To be able to take care of a patient in a global way, the osteopath has a range of techniques to best respond to the reason for consultation. Depending on the reason for the consultation, the morphology, the age and the sex of the patient, the osteopath will use the appropriate techniques that he has in his toolbox. It is therefore not uncommon to work with different approaches during a consultation.

The structural approach

It takes into account the bone, joint and muscle elements. This is the b.a-ba of osteopathy. This approach contains a multitude of techniques and in particular the one known to all patients, the “thrust” technique or HVBA manipulation (high velocity and low amplitude). It is very popular because it is the most impressive for the patients because they can hear a cracking sound which is nothing but a cavitation in the joint.


These techniques are very effective but require some precautions and are not used on any type of individual, infants or osteoporotic people will be deprived of them for example.

Other techniques are also used such as Mitchell's techniques, which use the energy of the muscle to correct a joint segment, Jones' techniques which use trigger points in the muscle...

The goal of all these techniques remains the same: to restore joint mobility and reduce muscle tension.

The cranial approach

This approach is very controversial in general medicine because there is no mobility between the bones of the skull, but it has recently been proven that there are possible micro-movements between these bones.


The cranial approach is mainly based on tissue and membranous relaxation. It is very soft, sometimes even imperceptible and can cause a feeling of relaxation, fatigue, well-being...

The visceral approach

It takes into account all the viscera, whether it is the digestive system but also urinary, genital, cardio-pulmonary...


The work is most often done in projection of these organs because some are very difficult to contact directly. The osteopath therefore works on the edges of the organs, the fascias, the surrounding tissues, it is important to note that he does not work in any way on organic pathologies. For this, medical care is required.


The visceral approach can also be worked on for pain in the spine. Indeed, they take insertions at the level of the spine through ligaments, fascias which means that tension at the visceral level can generate spinal pain and vice versa.

The functional approach

The best known techniques are fascial techniques. Fascia is tissue that wraps around all structures in the body. it is partly thanks to them that any element that makes up the human body is interrelated, they allow continuity. An inflammation of an organ, a scar, an operation for example can lead to areas of tension in this fascia which can generate pain.


Fascial techniques are also gentle, sometimes a little painful depending on the lesion. It is obvious that your osteopath will warn you of this potentiality and will adapt his pressure according to your feelings.

There are other types of techniques that are a little less known or used. Each osteopath will adapt his techniques according to the reason for consultation and the patient.


For more information, you can contact your osteopath.


Magalie Quinti

Osteopath in Beausoleil

Close to Cap d'Ail and Monaco

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