My osteopath is very curious, he absolutely wants to know everything about my life. He asks me if I have children, what I do for a living, if I play sports… But why does he ask me so many questions ??
What is Osteopathy ?
To understand why an osteopath makes such a thorough interrogation, it is necessary to know what osteopathy is.
Osteopathy is a manual therapy that takes care of the patient as a whole, whatever the reason for consultation. The goal of each session is to find the cause of the problem in order to be as effective as possible.
The reasons for consultation on which osteopathy can be effective are varied and sometimes even unknown to patients. Here is already a first point that motivates the practitioner to ask questions. Indeed, sometimes by simply talking with your osteopath, you can realize that he can help you with other ailments such as migraines, ear infections, tinnitus, pain in intercourse, tendinitis...
Personal history in osteopathy
The anamnesis is usually the first part of the consultation. These are the famous questions that your osteopath asks you. It can be more or less long depending on your reason for consultation and your history.
First, the osteopath will ask you about the reasons for your visit and will ask for all the possible details in order to understand how you hurt yourself and why.
It is important to take into account that pain does not necessarily happen because of a fall or physical trauma, an emotional shock, lack of sleep, stress for example can also be a source of pain.
Then, the questions will focus on your life in general: the traumas, operations or illnesses you have had. Whether it is recurring ailments such as ear infections, cystitis, migraines or serious illnesses such as cancer, everything is important for the osteopath.
All these questions will allow you to understand the traumas that your body has suffered and how it works so that the osteopath can adapt his treatment in an optimal way.

General questions such as the number of children, profession, physical activities or even lifestyle pose the context of life. All this tells us about the level of stress, recurring bad postures and the time you devote to yourself.
Do not hesitate to tell your osteopath everything, nothing should be overlooked. It is important to have confidence in your therapist and to be able to confide everything to him. Have no fear, your osteopath does not judge you and conversations about bowel movements, period pain or intercourse do not shock him.
Finally, never forget one thing, your osteopath is bound by professional secrecy so nothing will come out of the four walls of the consultation room.
In summary, do not withhold information, everything can be useful for your osteopath !
Magalie Quinti
Osteopath in Beausoleil
Close to Monaco and Cap d'Ail