Magalie Quinti
Ostéopathe DO Beausoleil

The osteopathy consultation

The osteopathic consultation takes place as follows at Magalie Quinti's office :


          1. History or examination :

This is a very important phase in the consultation which takes more or less time depending on the complaints and the patient's history.

The osteopath therefore asks you about the various traumas you may have suffered, whether it be a shock, an accident, an operation, a pathology ...

All this will allow him to understand the functioning of the patient's body and to adapt his treatment according to each person.

Indeed, for the same ailment, no osteopathic consultation is identical.


          2. The test phase :

The osteopath must above all observe his patient and perform osteopathic tests to understand the lesion pattern of the latter, to detect areas of tension and imbalance in the body to find the cause of the problem.


          3. The treatment :

Each osteopathic treatment is unique and adapted according to the type of patient.

It is obvious that we do not treat an infant, a baby or a pregnant woman in the same way as an athlete, for example.


There are also several ways of working :


  • Functional techniques :

They allow you to work on several planes (articular, ligamentous, muscular ...) by following the physiology of the person. These techniques are non-invasive, painless and very effective with deep action.


  • Structural techniques :

These are techniques aimed at capsulo-ligament that are carried out with respect for the physiology of the joints, gently and without pain. You may hear a "crack" which corresponds to the release of an air bubble in the joint.


  • Cranial techniques :

It is a fine-grained approach to osteopathy which consists of reducing tension in the skull to act on the myofascial, musculoskeletal and visceral system. The pressures are very gentle whether for an infant or a senior but the results are quite impressive.


  • Visceral techniques :

The viscera are the organs present in the body: the respiratory, digestive, pelvic system.

They are related to each other but also to the osteo-articular system through their insertions.

These viscera can therefore maintain a joint problem and vice versa. It is for this reason that it is important to include the visceral in the osteopathic consultation.

These techniques are gentle but not necessarily painless because an organ in osteopathic dysfunction is generally painful. It is up to the practitioner to adjust his pressure to do as little harm as possible.


  • Myofascial techniques :

Fascia and muscles are interrelated because there is a continuity of all the tissues of the body.

Myofascial techniques can require the participation of the patient by making contractions against resistance. Conversely, there are inhibition or stretching techniques that do not require patient intervention.


          4. Advice :
Each consultation ends with personalized advice to make the effects of the treatment last and to prevent this situation from happening again.

Of course, the effects of the consultation are not always immediate, pain can persist for 24 to 48 hours depending on the inflammatory phase of each patient and the body's self-healing ability.


A consultation lasts on average between three quarters of an hour and an hour.


Magalie Quinti

Osteopath D.O in Beausoleil,

Close to the Principality of Monaco

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